Crieve Hall dress code
MNPS uniforms are no longer a daily requirement.
Must have short or long sleeves; shirts must cover the stomach and back when standing and sitting
Crieve Hall shirts and polo shirts are encouraged
Hooded sweatshirts are permitted, but hoods may not be worn in school.
Pants, shorts, athletic shorts, capri pants, jeans, skirts, skorts or jumpers-- all bottoms must be at least fingertip length
Tennis shoes for PE, sandals with back straps, boots. Shoelaces must be tied.
Hats (religious head coverings are permitted)
Tops or bottoms containing inappropriate language, offensive statements/ images, or gestures
Biker shorts and leggings as pants (without an appropriately long top to cover)
Visible undergarments
Sagging bottoms below the waist
See through or torn/ripped clothing
Students not following the dress code will be contacted by their child’s teacher and may be provided with an alternative item of clothing to wear during the school day.